Candy's Monsters & MYSTERIES

Welcome to the Metamorphosis…

I’m back, but in a new incarnation… If you followed my old site you might think of this as rebranding—from Candy’s Monsters to Candy’s Monsters & MYSTERIES—but the changes are bigger and much, much stranger. This is a METAMORPHOSIS! I’ve finally emerged from the monster’s cocoon and become a mysterious butterfly. If you’re new to my writing don’t worry about the origin story.

I hope you will join me on this journey. I’ll share short fiction from the cold storage locker in the cloud, snippets of longer works, and some of the many recent stories I wrote as my style evolved and gave me the confidence to start blogging again. I’ll also share some thoughts on creativity, explore inspiring literature, and think ‘out loud’ in pondering posts.

My focus is now solidly on contemporary mysteries. There are a few scary moments but no gore, and usually a dash of humor.

I hope you’ll enjoy what I share on this site.

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