AKA Candy
I’m Candida Korman, AKA Candy, and I hope you enjoy mysterious stories. I will share short fiction and selected portions from longer works-in-progress; mysterious images; and assorted ponderings on this site.
I’m a professional writer, a life-long New Yorker, a theater fan, an art lover, an amateur Argentine Tango dancer, a good cook, a mud pie potter, an enthusiastic traveler, a cat worshipper, and most of all a storyteller.
Warning: Be careful what you tell me, I may turn it into fiction.

Short Stories
& Unexpected Tales
Pandemic Puppy
I wrote a lot of short stories during the COVID lock-down and the months that followed. Most were first person accounts of a pandemic experience.
Here’s a strange little tale about BIG ideas…I found it in my cold storage locker in the cloud. I wrote it a few years ago and the inspiration still haunts me.
Conversations “Grandma, when will it stop? When will I stop talking to them in my dreams?” “I don’t know, dear, I don’t know.
Free Samples
Tasty bites from the fiction storage cellar
Alternate 2…
Many mystery novels begin in the middle of the story with a teaser about where the action is heading. I’ve employed that gambit in one of my three short novels
Is this how a novel starts?
This image came to me last September. I wrote it down and it sat for a while teasing my imagination. It’s now the opening of an untitled novel-in-progress. The summer
This is the opening of one of my three mysteries about ART & LOVE. It’s called Other Sons
I might as well come right out and say that I’m an eccentric narrator. I come by it naturally. My grandpa was a fabulist of the first order. He told
There is Always a Story…
Thinking in 3 Dimensions
A few years ago, I stumbled into a pottery studio and wound up signing up for a wheel class. I had no natural affinity for
The Character of TIME
People often talk about the setting of a story as a character. Daphne du Maurier’s gothic ‘Rebecca’ is a classic example of a place—in this
Welcome to the Metamorphosis…
I’m back, but in a new incarnation… If you followed my old site you might think of this as rebranding—from Candy’s Monsters to Candy’s Monsters